Thursday, 17 November 2011

Invitation to attend Editorial Workshop at the Royal College of Art, London
I have been kindly invited by Nanette Hoogslag to attend an editorial workshop taking place tomorrow, (Fri. 18th November) at the Royal College of Art.This is part of the 'Edge of our Thinking' conference and willl involve practicing illustrators, researchers and educators.
The workshop will inform part of Nanette's PhD research which she is conducting at the Royal College of Art and is focussed on the understanding and description of the qualities of visual contribution of editorial illustration within the changed parameters of the online news environment.
Workshop: “Think-editorial-Illustration: analysis of founding qualities of editorial illustration”
With a series of proposed ʻfounding qualitiesʼ this workshop will focus on the nature of editorial
illustration. Participants, coming from their own practice and experience, will challenge and build upon
these starting points and play with the ideas that can lead towards new online illustration formats.
Where the print media industry is rapidly shifting towards the online environment, the role the visual,
be it photographic, moving or illustrated is being re-evaluated. If editorial illustration is to remain a
significant contributor within the new media formats, its ask for a deeper understanding. Beyond the
pretty picture, what are the qualities that make an editorial illustration; in print and online?
This workshop aims to create a deeper insight into editorial illustration as a medium, through
exploration of its potential in existing and developing media contexts; in print and online.
Illustration will be the subject, but also the debating tool, to stimulate an outcome in words and images,
there will be plenty of pencils and paper, do bring your own laptop if you wish...
The main outcomes will be collected for a small publication, which after the event, will be sent to all